Research Grant 2023-2024
Research Title: An AI Enhanced Recommendation System for Enhancing Road Safety |
Research Title: Access of ICT and its perceived influence on secondary school students’ overall learning |
Research Title:Design and Development of a Portable Voice Assistant Device for Vocal Impairment People |
Research Title: IoT-Based Dual Lead ECG Monitoring Device |
Research Title: Application of Machine Learning for Reservoir Characterization |
Research Title: PPD COACH: Detecting the Postpartum Depression in Bangladesh Women through AI and Visual Questionnaires |
Research Title: Design and Fabrication of Automatic Fuel Transfer System of an Aircraft. |
Research Title: Aircraft Armament Release System. |
Research Grant 2022-2023
Research Title: Automated Cyclone Prediction System: A Bangladesh Perspective |
Research Title: Design and development of controlling unit and gripping claw for an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle). |
Research Title: Slope Failure Mechanism at Rangamati Area from Rock Engineering Perspective by Field Study and Observations. |
Research Title: Development and Application of tools coated with Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD) |
Research Grant 2021-2022
Research Title: Exploration of Freshwater Source and Development of Solar Driven Water Supply System to the Remote Campus |
Research Title: UAV with integrated Observation System. |
Research Title: Developing on assilive app for cervical cancer patients. |
Research Title: Measurement and Analysis of HF Spectral Occupancy in Bangladesh. |
Research Title: Design, construction, and performance analysis of an Automated Heat Treatment Furnace for the improvement of ballistic properties of steel |