MIST Applications

Research Grant 2023-2024

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Prof Dr. Abdus Sattar Mollah

Research Title: Analysis of neutronics safety parameters and core burnup lifetime for Rooppur nuclear power rector (VVER-1200) by using Open MC code and SRAC2006 code 

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Md Insiat Islam Rabby


Md Tauhidur Rahman

Lt Col Md Jahidul Islam, PhD, Engrs

Research Title: Thermal comfort perception among soldiers inside Military tent for different climate conditions of Bangladesh  


Research Title: Cyclic loading on recycled aggregate fiber reinforced concrete beam-column joint  

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Lt Col Khondaker Sakil Ahmed, PhD, PEng, Engrs


Md Tauhidur Rahman

Lt Col Md Jahidul Islam, PhD, Engrs

Research Title: Strength and Structural Properties of Concrete Containing Waste Glass and Recycled Brick Aggregate


Research Title: Experimental study on the punching shear behavior of fiber-infused ultra-high strength concrete footings subjected to monotonic loads 

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Prof. Dr Mokhlesur Rahman


Md Tauhidur Rahman

Prof Dr. Md. Azizur Rahman

Research Title: Development of an Enhanced Filter System for Safe Drinking Water Effective Removal of Toxic Heavy Metals using Modified Activated Carbon from Agricultural Waste


Research Title: SEM Studies of morphology, grain parameters of useful metals, metal alloys and light weight, indigenous fibers for use in war safety helmet and quantitative elemental analysis (where necessary) using WDXRF facilities of the NSE department    

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Lt Col Md. Maruf Hasan, Ph.D, EME


Md Tauhidur Rahman

AKM Badrul Alam, PhD

Research Title:  Development of hydrogel Dressing materials incorporated with zinc oxide and garlic extract for bacterial inhibition.


Research Title: Investigation of the utility of polyurethane in enhancing the stability of shale-rock: A rock engineering study focused on Chattogram, Bangladesh

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Maj Nazmul Karim Mazumder, AEC


Md Tauhidur Rahman

Wg Cdr Md Zohurul Islam, psc, PEng

Research Title: A Study for Removal of heavy metals from aqueous media by bio sorption


Research Title: Design and testing of a proto type chassis for an electrical vehicle by eliminating conventional mechanical power transmission with electrical differential box.

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Prof Dr Fernaz Narin Nur


Md Tauhidur Rahman

 Lec Taslima Mohsina Mimi

Research Title: An AI Enhanced Recommendation System for Enhancing Road Safety 


Research Title: Access of ICT and its perceived influence on secondary school students’ overall learning 

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Md. Tobibul Islam


Md Tauhidur Rahman

Md. Tobibul Islam

Research Title:Design and Development of a Portable Voice Assistant Device for Vocal Impairment People


Research Title: IoT-Based Dual Lead ECG Monitoring Device

Md Tauhidur Rahman

Md Tauhidur Rahman


Lt Col Muhammad Nazrul Islam, PhD

Research Title: Application of Machine Learning for Reservoir Characterization


Research Title: PPD COACH: Detecting the Postpartum Depression in Bangladesh Women through AI and Visual Questionnaires

Lt Col Khondaker Sakil Ahmed, PhD, PEng, CEng


Prof Dr. Mohd Mokhlesur Rahman

Research Title: Bearing Strength of weld connection between cold format and hot rolled Steel


Research Title: Development of an Automatic and Environmentally Friendly Filtering Unit for Industrial and Power Plant Effluents.

Air Cdre Md Aminul Haque


Air Cdre Md Aminul Haque

Research Title: Design and Fabrication of Automatic Fuel Transfer System of an Aircraft.


Research Title: Aircraft Armament Release System.


Research Grant 2022-2023



Lt Col Md Jahidul Islam, PhD, Engrs

Lt Col Md Jahidul Islam, PhD, Engrs


Lt Col Mohammed Russedul Islam, PhD

Research Title: Effect of carbon fiber reinforced polymer retrofitting on rectangular recycled brick aggregate concrete column subjected to axial load


Research Title: Strength and Durability of Waste Based Geopolymer Stabilized Subgrade Soil with PET Strip Reinforcement

Nusrat Sharmin, PhD


Brigadier General Md Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan, psc

Research Title: Automated Cyclone Prediction System: A Bangladesh Perspective


Research Title: Design and development of controlling unit and gripping claw for an ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle).

Md Jalal Uddin Rumi


Dr. AKM Badrul Alam

Research Title: Investigation on Electro-mechanical properties and Thermal treatment effect of Al MMCs fabricated with Nano Reinforced Al2O3, ZnO, SiC and Activated Carbon by multistage stir casting method for Aerospace applications.


Research Title: Slope Failure Mechanism at Rangamati Area from Rock Engineering Perspective by Field Study and Observations.

Dr. A. K. M. Nurul Amin

Research Title: Development and Application of tools coated with Physical Vapour Deposition (PVD)


Research Grant 2021-2022



Md. Tauhid Ur Rahman, PhD

Md. Tauhid Ur Rahman, PhD


Dr. Md. Mahbubur Rahman

Research Title: Exploration of Freshwater Source and Development of Solar Driven Water Supply System to the Remote Campus


Research Title: UAV with integrated Observation System.


Lt Col Muhammad Nazrul Islam, PhD


Dr. Col (Retd) Md Golam Mostafa

Research Title: Developing on assilive app for cervical cancer patients.


Research Title: Measurement and Analysis of HF Spectral Occupancy in Bangladesh.

Brigadier General Md Humayun Kabir Bhuiyan, psc


Md Saiful Islam

Research Title: Prep of cheap solar energy sys/altn energy source for remote camp.


Research Title: Development of a Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) unit for paraplegic patients due to external injury.

Col Md Awal Khan, EME


Captain Md. Sifatul Muktadir, EME

Research Title: Design, construction, and performance analysis of an Automated Heat Treatment Furnace for the improvement of ballistic properties of steel


Research Title: Prototype Design of a Radiation Survey and Rescue Rover with Shielding of Electronic Equipment from Radiation with Image Radiation Mapping Facility